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    Topics on FAQ

    Paya Compatible Shopping Carts and Plugins

    Why can't I swipe transactions through my Sage Software or Virtual Terminal?

    Pre-Auths from Sage100 Creating Duplicate Transactions in the Paya Virtual Terminal

    Paya Security Certificate (SSL) Issues

    Which fields are required in an XML file import?

    Can I use a USB Keyboard Card Reader to process through the Virtual Terminal or through the Paya Gateway?

    Do I have to ask a returning customer for their information every time their card is charged?

    Paya Integration Developer Assistance Contact Information

    Bankcard Confirmation E-mails sent out on the Test System for Approved Test Payments

    Do Web Paying Customer's who make Payments on the Paya Form receive a receipt via E-mail?

    Special Characters that are not allowed when uploading a file through the Virtual Terminal

    Why am I being unexpectedly logged out of the Virtual Terminal?

    Vault Records Stay Active after an Account is Closed

    What is the difference between Recurring History and Account History?

    Why am I taken directly to a Transaction Search Page when I try to submit a transaction?

    When I try to submit a transaction in the Virtual Terminal, I am taken to a search page and the card is not processed

    Swipers that are Compatible with Ebizmarts Mobile Application

    What is a GUID?

    What is the difference between capture and settle?

    Am I required to enter the cardholder’s address and 3-digit security code when I key enter a sale, or can I skip these prompts?

    Determining the Issuer of your Customer’s Credit Card

    Can Voided Transactions be Reversed?

    How do I customize the receipt in the Paya Virtual Terminal?

    Can I be provided with an export of a NACHA file for my recurring donors?

    How do I settle a batch?

    Which versions of SSL and TLS does Paya support

    Transaction Status: Expired

    How do I void a transaction in the Virtual Terminal?

    How do I update my browser?

    How long does a credit/refund take to reflect on a customer's bank account?

    Voided transaction still in customer's bank account

    How do I update where my e-mail notifications go?

    How do I set up user permissions in my Virtual Terminal?

    Video: Risk and security settings in the Core Virtual Terminal

    Video: Core Virtual Terminal User Administration

    Processing Level 2 and Level 3 Transactions through the VT3

    How to access the Merchant Statement in the Virtual Terminal

    Special Characters that are not allowed for Payment Processing through the Virtual Terminal

    Unsettled Batches Email Alert

    Notification of Recurring Customer's Credit Card Expiration

    Which Browsers are Supported for the Paya Virtual Terminal?

    Access Level Settings for Virtual Terminal Users

    Why isn't my temporary Virtual Terminal password working?

    Not receiving a response from the Virtual Terminal after Processing a Transaction

    Virtual Terminal Password Parameters

    How far back can I perform a transaction search in the Virtual Terminal?

    Web Paying Customers can see the Transaction Details and have the option to Void a Transaction due to an AVS mismatch

    Error: Batch Close Error

    What is the Quick Actions box in the Virtual Terminal?

    Error: Total Field on Virtual Terminal Transaction Page not Updating

    What is an SPF Record?

    How do I integrate e-Commerce Sites, Software, or Shopping Carts with the Paya Gateway?

    Does Paya work with QuickBooks?

    What is the Virtual Terminal?

    Merchant VAT

    What is Opencart?

    Accessing Sage Marketplace

    Does ZenCart Connect to the Paya Gateway?

    What does the content of the recurring credit card expiration notice look like to customers?

    Paya Virtual Terminal Training Videos

    List of test credit card numbers

    Can I have order information show up on my customer's bank statement?

    What causes a duplicate recurring transaction?

    How to delete a recurring customer in the Virtual Terminal

    How long are authorizations valid for?

    How do I view my transaction history or settled batches?

    How do I add a new user?

    How do I export reports?

    Video: Transaction receipts in the Core Virtual Terminal

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