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    Why is the settled batch say I have 0 transactions and the previous page shows an amount?


    Paya Exchange



    A user might not be able to view the ‘Settled Batch Report’, or the information in the report may not be accurate. This can include information like transactions for some Gateway IDs that may not be available and the batch amounts might not match the ‘Batch Closed Summaries’, and batch reports may not be visible.  



    Users that cannot complete settled batch information will not have the proper role permissions to access the required information. The admin user or superuser will need to log in to adjust the permissions on the user's role. 

    1. Click ‘Administration
    2. Click ‘Edit’ on the user to confirm which role they have 
    3. Click on ‘Roles
    4. Click on ‘Edit’ for the role of that user 
    5. Scroll to the bottom and check the ‘Select All’ option for devices
    6. Click ‘Save
    7. Once saved, log out and back in


    If you have questions or require additional information, please contact usand we will be in touch with you shortly.

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