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    Displaying all transactions under a 'Settled Batch Report' in Paya Exchange


    Sage Exchange



    There are times when a sub-user does not see all transactions within a particular settled batch. This is mostly due to a limit placed on the ‘Devices’ portion of the role the user is associated with.

    The Admin, or at least a user with administrative prerogatives, can help remove these limitations. For the purpose of this article, we will assume ‘Joe Smith’ is a sub-user, and his role type is ‘Settlement’. 



    Upon logging into www.sageexchange.com (aka PEMS), the admin would navigate to the ‘Administration’ tab, and click on ‘Roles’.

    Locate the role you would like to amend (since we already know both the user and the associated role), we would simply locate the role and click on ‘Edit’ beside it.

    Under the ‘Role Edit’ page, scroll down to the bottom, and make sure that the ‘Select All’ label is checked beside 'Devices'.

    This will ensure that every settled batch report would show all of the transactions that it contained at the time of settlement.

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