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    What do all of the Line Item Charges on Monthly Statements mean?

    Line Item Charges on Monthly Statements


    Level 4 PCI SAQ/IP Scan Service

    Fee charged annually to become PCI Certified through Aperia. (Covers the merchant's cost for PCI Security)

    PCI Annual Compliance

    Fee Charged annually to help cover Paya’s costs/ efforts to remain PCI Compliant. (Covers the acquirer’s  cost for PCI Security)

    PCI Non- Compliance

    Fee charged after the grace period for registering with Aperia and completing SAQ/SCAN has passed.

    DPI ( Discount Per Item)

    Fee charged on all settled transactions. Usually comes as a result of a Fall or Spring enhancement (fee increase) by the associations. We often add this fee to the account to avoid having to increase their percentage rates.

    MasterCard NABU-Network Access Brand & Usage

    Assessed on every U.S MasterCard, cleared transaction. It is the cost of using the MasterCard brand.

    Visa Misuse Fee

    Charged on Visa transactions that are authorized and not settled within 10 days.

    Visa Zero Floor Limit Fee

    Charged per transaction when a transaction is settled without an authorization

    Visa Acquirer Processing Fee (APF)

    Assessed on every authorized Visa card transaction (U.S or Int’l). It is the cost of using the Visa brand.


    Covers the cost of compiling electronic merchant processing information on a monthly basis. Merchants who opt into paper statements will incur an additional fee.

    Stmt Mailing & Handling Fee
    Covers the cost of printing and mailing monthly processing statements.

    Gateway/ Gateway Access

    Covers the use of Paya’s gateway. ( Usually charged to merchants using the Virtual Terminal)

    Mobile Access

    Costs associated with using a mobile/ wireless terminal.

    Debit Access

    Costs for accepting pin- debit and therefore working with the debit networks. ( ie. Star, Pulse, Nyce etc.)

    EBT Access

    Costs for accepting EBT cards and therefore working with the EBT networks.

    Various Debit Network

    Line items display exactly what network was hit and what the charge was. (Refer to the latest debit network fee sheet relevant to the transaction.)

    Various Interchange Categories

    Line items display exactly what interchange category was hit and what the charge was. (Refer to latest Interchange guide relevant to the transaction.)


    Fee to cover the cost of keeping the account open and active every year.

    Chargeback/ Retrieval

    Fee charged per occurrence whenever a chargeback is presented to a merchant account.

    Minimum Discount

    Cumulative monthly minimum amount of processing (Rate 1 only) in order to avoid paying this fee.

    Data Security and Integration

    The data security fee is a fee to help cover the connection to Paya Exchange and the safeguarding of the information being passed. The associations (Visa/MasterCard) required PA-DSS security certification for all users performing payments through software nationwide.

    Fees, dues and assessments ( may also appear individually as Visa, Mc, or Disc assessments

    Minimum charge collected on every Visa and MasterCard by the associations.

    Various Auth Fees (Visa, Mc, Disc, Debit, Amex, etc)

    Fees are charged per item for every transaction that was authorized, credited or declined as well as for batches. 

    Discover Data Usage Fee

    Charged on each settled Discover transaction.

    MasterCard FD&A

    Charged on transactions over $1000

    FANF Fee ( Fixed acquirer Network Fee)

    FANF is billed monthly and is based on the following categories: ( high volume card present, all other card-present who are nonexempt, and card not present.) It is determined by merchant Taxpayer ID, merchant location count and Visa volume as collected by the associations and can vary each month depending on those factors.

    Transaction Integrity Fee

    The Transaction Integrity Fee (TIF) was introduced in April 2012. It is a new $0.10 fee that will apply to U.S. domestic regulated and non-regulated purchase transactions made with a Visa Debit card or Visa Prepaid card that fail or do not request Custom Payment Service (CPS) qualification. The CPS rates are Visa’s best rates and they apply to both regulated and non-regulated transactions.

    For example:

    Always settle your transactions on the same day it was processed.

    Always make sure all magnetic strip data is captured when swiping transactions. You should always settle the transaction for the original amount authorized. If the card is not present or has to be keyed in for any reason you should make sure AVS is an exact match

     Custom Payment Service (CPS)

    This is Visa's regulations for the information that must be submitted with each transaction. Transactions must meet CPS criteria in order to qualify for lowest transaction processing fees available.

    If you have questions or require additional information, please submit a ticket and we will be in touch with you shortly.

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