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    NetSuite - Streamlining Payments


    Merchants today encounter numerous payment challenges that can disrupt efficiency and financial health, such as fragmented processes, manual data entry, and security concerns. Our integration with NetSuite offers a comprehensive solution to streamline payment processes, enhance security, 
    and boost customer satisfaction. This integration also reduces Days Sales Outstanding (DSO), improves cash flow, and supports sustainable business growth.

    Challenges and the Solutions that Automated AR Provides:

    Fragmented Processes

    • Challenge: Disjointed payment systems lead to inefficiencies and errors due to manual data entry
    • Solution: Our NetSuite integration automates payment processing, ensuring seamless data flow and eliminating manual tasks

    Reconciliation Issues

    • Challenge: Reconciling payments with transactions can be time-consuming and prone to mistakes
    • Solution: Automated reconciliation aligns payments with sales orders, simplifying financial management and enhancing accuracy

    Security Concerns

    • Challenge: Protecting payment data and ensuring compliance is critical amidst rising cyber threats 
    • Solution: Our solution features strong security measures, enabling ACH and card-present transactions to safeguard sensitive data

    Cash Flow Management

    • Challenge: High Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) can negatively impact liquidity and financial planning 
    • Solution: By streamlining payment processes and enhancing cash flow visibility, our integration helps merchants lower DSO and boost liquidity. 

    Additional Features:

    • Integrated Payment Card Processing
    • Integrated ACH Processing
    • Pre-Authorizations
    • Integrated Invoicing
    • EMV Integration
    • Tokenized Payment Card & ACH Information
    • Voids & Refunds Directly in ERP
    • View the Complete History of Payments & Authorizations
    • Data Optimization (Level 2 & 3 Enrichment)


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