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    How to enable credit card order confirmation emails in Paya Exchange


    Paya Exchange Desktop


    How do I enable Credit Card confirmation emails?


    After signing into Paya Exchange, launch the Virtual Terminal mini-app to update the settings. The best way to do this is to use the 'Settings' option, located in the top right of the page:

    1. Go to the 'Email Notifications'
    2. Ensure that the 'Email Me' checkbox is marked under one-time 'Transaction Settings', as well as updating the email that the notifications should be sent to, if not correct.

    Note: If the 'Email Me' is checked and still you do not receive those emails, some possible causes include the following:

    • Emails may be filtering to your Junk or Spam Folder
    • Your email server may be blocking our domain (sagepayments.com and/or eftnet.com)
    • Your email server may not allow 'Spoof' emails

    If you have questions or require additional information, please contact us and we will be in touch with you shortly.

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